Saturday, September 25, 2010

UFC 119 - Live Commentary and Results

The Spike TV portion of UFC 119 is live!

Joey Beltran vs. Matt Mitrione
Round 1 -  Mitrione closes quickly. Mitrione looks very loose, throwing straight punches from his waist. Good flurry from Mitrione. Another combination from Mitrione. Beltran tags Mitrione, and now he's landing punches in numbers. Body shots from Beltran and now he takes Mitrione down to the guard. Mitrione working for a kimura but loses it. Beltran landing punches from top. Beltran in north south now. Body shots from Beltran, and Mitrione spins and looks for a triangle, but loses it. 10-9 Beltran. Round 2 - Head kick from Mitrione, then an inside leg kick. Short punches from both fighters, and Beltran pushes Mitrione against the fence. They exchange punches again. Mitrione tags Beltran hard and wobbles him. Mitrione misses with a wild uppercut, and Beltran tags him. Ref Herb Dean calls time, and they cut some tape off of Beltran's glove. Both fighters exchange again, and Beltran pushes against the fence. Mitrione lands a hard head kick as the round comes to a close. 10-9 Mitrione. Round 3 - Some jabs from Mitrione, then a head kick. Beltran tries to wade in, and eats a few punches. Neither fighter has landed much of substance, but MItrione has been the busier fighter. Another head kick from Mitrione blocked. Again Beltran tries to wade in and gets tagged. Beltran answers with a good shot and tries for a takedown, but loses it. They break and end with a flurry. 10-9 Mitrione and 29-28 Mitrione on our card. Great fight!
Matt Mitrione def. Joey Beltran by unanimous decision (29-28, 29-28, 29-28)

C.B. Dollaway vs. Joe Doerksen
Round 1 - Doerksen with an early leg kick. After a scramble, Dollaway catches an arm-in guillotine. Dollaway still has it locked on, and is trying to adjust. Dollaway looks for a sweep and misses, but keeps the choke and squeezes tight from the top, and it's over!
C.B. Dollaway def. Joe Doerksen by submission (guillotine choke)

And now the pay-per-view card...

Melvin Guillard vs. Jeremy Stephens
Round 1 - Guillard gets dropped by a big counter right, but Guillard pops back up. Guillard comes over the top with a straight right. Both fighters are putting everything behind their shots, but not much is landing. Stevens looks for a leg kick and Guillard tries to coem over the top again. 10-9 Stephens. Round 2 - Another leg kick from Stephens. Guillard tries for a flying knee, but Stephens grabs hold and then pushes Guillard away. Guillard hits Stephens in the crotch for the second time. Another leg kick from Stephens. Guillard catches a big shot to the crotch. Guillard pushes forward, but misses most of his punches. Stephens connects with a counter left hook, then a body kick. 10-9 Stephens. Round 3 - Stephens opens with a leg kick. Stephens tries to clinch, but Guillard pushes him off. Guillard with a body kick. Stephens connects with a right. Stephens hits a body shot, then misses a flying knee. Guillard connects with a kick. A flurry at the end but it's too little, too late. 10-9 Stephens and 30-27 Stephens on our card.
Melvin Guillard def. Jeremy Stephens by split decision (29-28, 28-29, 30-27) That is a TERRIBLE decision

Evan Dunham vs. Sean Sherk
Round 1 - Sherk lands a quick leg kick. Sherk drops for a double leg and slams Dunham, but Dunham has a guillotine. Sherk pops the head out and is in half guard. Dunham working from butterfly guard. Dunham works up against the fence and stands. Sherk drops for another double leg and slams Dunham again. Dunham works up, then snags a tight guillotine. It pops off, but Dunham has the back. He slips off and Sherk is in guard. A good elbow from Sherk cuts Dunham. The ref calls time with :10 left in the round to check the cut. It's ok, and the round ends. 10-9 Sherk. That cut is DEEP Round 2 - Sherk drives Dunham against the cage and works for a double leg. Dunham has a tight guillotine, but Sherk pops out again. Dunham has a guillotine again, but Sherk gets out again and transitions to a single leg. Dunham tries for another guillotine but loses it. A good exchange by Dunham. Head kick from Dunham. Dunham pushing forward with punches and front kicks. Knee from Dunham that connects. 10-9 Dunham. Round 3 - Dunham with a combination, and finishes with a leg kick that drops Sherk briefly. Sherk takes Dunham down, but Dunham back up quickly. Dunham with a three punch combination. Head kick from Dunham. Dunham trying for a standing guillotine, then throws a knee. Dunham pushing forward with straight punches. Dunham connects with a knee, and another! Another knee. Sherk pushing forward with hooks. 10-9 Dunham and 29-28 Dunham.
Sean Sherk def. Evan Dunham by split decision (29-28, 28-29, 29 28) Two awful decisions in a row, the judges are certainly on point tonight.

Matt Serra vs. Chris Lytle
Round 1 - Both fighters are throwing wild punches to start. Serra is trying to work the body. Serra connects with a right, then another. Serra is connecting to the body. Lytle connects with a combo. Lytle is finding a lot of success coming over with straight rights. 10-9 Lytle. Round 2 - A right drops Serra to his knee, but he catches Lytle on the way in. Lytle swinging away with hooks. Lytle with some hard rights that wobble Serra but he stays up. Lytle wailing away. Serra pushes forward and answers, but Lytle counters with two hard uppercuts. Lytle wailing away and Serra looks in trouble, but then Serra answers back! 10-9 Lytle Round 3 - Every time Serra tries to close, he eats a few punches. Lytle slips and Serra tries to close, but Lytle tags him. Serra looks for a takedown but can't get it. Serra trying to mix in leg kicks, but it doesn't look like he has much left. 10-9 Lytle, and 30-27 Lytle on our card.
Chris Lytle def. Matt Serra by unanimous decision (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)

Antonio Rogerio Nogueira vs. Ryan Bader
Round 1 - Bader with a takedown, and is landing big punches from the top. Nog is keeping Bader's posture down, Bader looking for short elbows, and Nog works back to the feet. Bader tries for another takedown, but Nog defends it well. Nog connects with a big left. 10-9 Bader. Round 2 - Both fighters trying to feel each other out. Bader tries for a takedown but it's stuffed. Bader catches a kick and takes Nog down. Bader shoots again, and Nog is able to defend. Nog lands a knee, but Bader throws Nog down, and Nog springs back up. Bader lands a stiff right as Nog wades in with hooks. 10-9. Round 3 - Bader catches an eye poke, and he'll get some time to recover. Back at it, and Bader lands a body kick. Hard exchange with both fighters landing. Bader tries twice for takedowns, and is stuffed twice. Bader gets a takedown, but Nog right back up.   Bader throwing some bombs, and Nog answers with a stiff punch. Nog throws a knee, and Bader times it and takes him down. 10-9 Nog, but 29-28 Bader on our card. Then again, anything can happen with these judges tonight.
Ryan Bader def. Antonio Rogerio Nogueira by unanimous decision (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)

Frank Mir vs. Mirko 'Cro Cop'
Round 1 - Cro Cop with some quick punches. Mir presses in, but Cro Cop stuffs it. Mir drops to his knees, he got kneed in the crotch, and the ref calls time. Back at it. Cro Cop pushes forward with two punches, then stuffs a takedown. Elbow in the clinch by Mir. Mir with a short left and they clinch again. 10-9 Mir. Round 2 - Mir works Cro Cop against the fence again. Herb Dean breaks them apart. Again they clinch. And again, Dean breaks them a part. 10-10, and a painful fight to watch so far. Round 3 - More clinching. Cro Cop connects with a two-punch combo. And more clinching. Dean breaks them again. Aaaaannnnddd more clinching. AND OUT OF NOWHERE, MIR DROPS HIM WITH A KNEE AND KNOCKS HIM OUT COLD. No action for 14 minutes, and then boom. Only in MMA...
Frank Mir def. Mirko 'Cro Cop' by KO at 4:02 of round 3