TapouTVTC.com is here to bring you live commentary and results from "WEC 50: Cruz vs. Benavidez." Join us here at 9 PM EST for the start of the show!
Bart Palaszewski vs. Zack Micklewright
Round 1- Palaszewski with some early inside leg kicks. Micklewright connects with a lead right hook. Micklewright connects with a flurry. They clinch, with Micklewright pushing Palaszewski against the cage. Both fighters looking for knees to the legs. The ref breaks them up and they're back in the center. Micklewright with a hard left hook. Palaszewski clinches and lands with some dirty boxing. Palaszewski connects with a straight right. Palaszewski catches a kick to the groin, but shakes it off. Hard inside leg kick by Micklewright, then follows up with a good combination. Micklewright catches a low blow, but he shakes it off. Palaszewski lands a good counter right. Palaszewski lands another hard right. A head kick by Palaszewski blocked by Micklewright. A close round, but 10-9 for Palaszewski.
Round 2 - Palaszewski with a hard 3-2 combination. Palaszewski with a hard body kick that hurts Micklewright, and he follows up with a flurry of punches. Another body kick and a BIG right that drops Micklewright, and it's over.
Bart Palaszewski def. Zack Micklewright by TKO (body kick and punch) at 0:31 of Round 2
Scott Jorgensen vs. Brad Pickett
Round 1 - Pickett catches Jorgensen with a big right that drops Jorgensen, but he pops back up. Jorgensen with a kick, caught by Pickett, and he goes for a takedown but Jorgensen scrambles away. Pickett catches another kick, but Jorgensen squirms away again. Jorgensen peppering with jabs. Jorgensen with a single let attempt, but Pickett able to get away. Pickett with a 3-2. Pickett with a good lead uppercut. Jorgensen with a shot that knocks Pickett's mouthpiece, and hits him with another shot. Pickett blasts Jorgensen with a right. Jorgensen with a takedown but gets caught in a guillotine, but passes to side mount. Pickett rolls to his stomach and works his way back up. Pickett lands a flying knee. They clinch, and Jorgensen connects with a left on the way out. Jorgensen with a knee, and Pickett answers with a flurry. 10-9 Jorgensen, but a very close round.
Round 2 - Pickett with some hard punches to start the round. Jorgensen's takedown attempt is stuffed. Jorgensen lands a lead uppercut. Pickett with a 1-2-3. Both fighters looking to land with combinations. Pickett with a hard body shot, Jorgensen answers with a big right. Pickett answers with a big right of his own. Another big right from Pickett. Another takedown attempt from Jorgensen, stuffed. Pickett now with a takedown attempt that is stuffed, and Jorgensen catches a low blow in the clinch. He's good to go, and Pickett throwing big hooks. Jorgensen lands some rights, Pickett with a big uppercut. Pickett goes for another takedown, stuffed, and Jorgensen scrambles to top guard. Pickett sits up looking for a guillotine, but nothing going. Jorgensen with a knee. Jorgensen under wraps both knees and passes to side mount, but Pickett scrambles up and avoids the guillotine. A phenomenal back and forth fight. 10-9 Pickett
Round 3 - Pickett leading with some hard lefts. Pickett connects with a hard right, then a left hook. Another lead hook from Pickett. Jorgensen fights through a sprawl and lands a single leg takedown to the guard. Pickett climbing the shoulders, and Jorgensen almost gets caught in a triangle. They scramble back to the feet. A HARD overhand right by Jorgensen, but Pickett answers with a left! Jorgensen with another single leg takedown, and he is back in the guard. Pickett looks for a guillotine again, but Jorgensen is safe, and lands a short elbow. Climbing the shoulders again, but Jorgensen able to pass to side mount. Jorgensen connecting with some knees to the side. Pickett tries to scramble but gives up his back. Jorgensen able to hold on, but Pickett able to roll over and land in guard. 10-9 Jorgensen, and 29-28 Jorgensen on our books.
All three judges score the fight 30-27 for Scott Jorgensen. Scott Jorgensen defeats Brad Pickett by unanimous decision
Cub Swanson vs. Chad Mendes
Round 1 - Mendez with a fast hook off the combination. Swanson sort of stumbles into a takedown and Mendes spins around to the back, and takes Swanson down and lands in side mount. Mendes with some shoulder strikes. Mendes not doing much on top and looks content to just drop short shoulders. Mendes with absolutely no attempt to improve his position or finish. The ref stands them up. Mendes with a nice right hand. Mendes catches Swanson's kick and takes him down, but they are back up quickly. Swanson looks for a flying knee, but Mendes takes him down. 10-9 Mendes
Round 2 - Mendes with an overhand right and transitions right into a double leg takedown. They are back to the feet. Mendes shoots for a single but it's stuffed. Swanson lands a 1-2 and misses a wild kick. Swanson with a body kick. Swanson with a body shot. Swanson looks like he got poked in the eye. Swanson with a good counter right, but Mendes clinches and takes him down with a hard inside trip. They scramble and Mendes almost takes the back, but they end back in guard with Mendes on top. Swanson with heel strikes from the bottom. Mendes not improving his position, and is keeping tight. Swanson throwing a couple punches from the bottom. They scramble to the feet and Swanson lands a knee. 10-9 Mendes
Round 3 - Mendes with a quick flurry and Swanson slips. Mendes bowls into him and settles in guard. Swanson with rabbit punches from the bottom, and works his way to his feet. Swanson goes for a straight right, and Mendes drops right under and takes Swanson down again. Swanson working the rubber guard, looking for the omoplata, but he gives it up. Mendes passes to half guard. Mendes in full mount, but Swanson reestablishes guard. Swanson able to work back to the feet and goes for a big flying knee, but Mendes takes him down again. They're back up and Swanson has to look for the finish. Swanson hits an uppercut, then a leg kick. Mendes gets the back and takes Swanson down again. Swanson throwing some elbows from the bottom, but it's over. 10-9 Mendes and a clear 30-27 decision for Mendes, but he made absolutely no effort to finish the fight at any time.
The judges score the bout 30-27, 29-28 and 29-28, all for Chad Mendes. Chad Mendes defeats Cub Swanson by unanimous decision
Shane Roller vs. Anthony Pettis
Round 1 - Roller with a quick left hook, then clinches and looks for a takedown, but Pettis stops it. Roller sets up a single leg with a left hook, and pushes Pettis up against the cage. Pettis connects with a good straight right as they break apart. Pettis with a jumping round kick that doesn't connect flush. Roller lands an overhand right and clinches. Pettis ends up on top in a scramble, but they continue back to the feet. Pettis with a flying knee and a 1-2. Roller connects with a knee to the body. Pettis lands a right as Roller comes in, but Roller answers with a right. Pettis with a crazy high right kick that hurts Roller, and Roller clinches. Pettis with a high knee. Pettis with another spinning kick, he actually sits on the floor, then pops up with the kick. 10-9 Pettis
Round 2 - Roller with a left and clinches. Pettis showing some great takedown defense. Pettis with a leg kick, then another, then a superman punch. Roller tries for a takedown, but Pettis ends up on top in guard. Pettis landing some rabbit punches to the ribs and hammerfists to the face. Pettis grinding away with more rib shots. Roller looks for rubber guard but Pettis backs away. Roller comes in with a flurry now that hurts Pettis, then Roller clinches. Roller with a body lock and forces Pettis to the ground. Roller in mount, but Pettis uses the cage to somersault into side mount. Pettis with a spinning kick, but Roller ducks under and takes him down. 10-9 Pettis
Round 3 - Roller with a left, then finishes with a good double leg. Pettis connects with an upkick. Pettis locks in a triangle, but Roller is able to get away. Roller trying to get around Pettis' legs, but Pettis is able to work to his feet. Both fighters look tired. Pettis a great leg kick, then smashes Roller with a 1-2. Pettis scores a takedown, then hits a high kick as Roller works up to the feet. Pettis with another takedown but gets caught in a deep guillotine, but he's able to spin out. Roller tires to pounce BUT PETTIS CATCHES HIM IN A TRIANGLE. Pettis finishes it with just seconds left! Fantastic showing by Anthony Pettis.
Anthony Pettis defeats Shane Roller by submission (triangle choke) at 4:51 of Round 3
Dominick Cruz vs. Joseph Benavidez
Round 1 - Cruz with a shuffle step then a right, then looks for a head kick. Benavidez hits a counter right, Cruz answers with a right. Benavidez stuffs a takedown attempt. Cruz working knees in the clinch and they break. Cruz with a leg kick, Benavidez answers with some hard hooks. Good left straight by Benavidez. Nice uppercut by Cruz. Benavidez catches a kick and throws a good counter right. Cruz with a double leg and lands in guard. Benavidez throwing some good downward elbows from the bottom. 10-9 Cruz
Round 2 - Both fighters looking for hard punches. Cruz with a knee. Benavidez with a flurry. Benavidez with a jumping head kick. Cruz lands a straight right, Benavidiz with a combination. A low kick by Cruz and a counter right by Benavidez. Benavidez slips on a low kick and tries for a single leg, but Cruz works away. A good right by Cruz that puts Benavidez on one knee, but he pops right back up. Cruz connects with a flying knee. Cruz with a takedown attempt, and Benavidez tries to lock up a guillotine. 10-9 Benavidez
Round 3 - A takedown attempt by Cruz stuffed. Benavidez connects with a leg kick, then another. Takedown attempt by Benavidez stuffed. They clinc, and Cruz with a knee to the body. Benavidez working for a single, but no luck. Another leg kick by Benavidez. Cruz with a 1-2, then a step-in body kick. Cruz scores a takedown with ten seconds left to solidify the round. 10-9 Cruz
Ronud 4 - Cruz with a knee tap takedown and passes to side mount, but Benavidez regains guard. Cruz working to pass, but Benavidez explodes and almost gets the back. They end up clinched against the cage, and Benavidez is working on a single leg. Cruz sitting against the cage, they scramble, and clinch again. Benavidez connects with a high knee. Cruz bleeding from that knee. Cruz able to take Benavidez down and is in side mount. Cruz in mount, and Benavidez gives up his back and scrambles out the back. 10-9 Cruz
Round 5 - Cruz tries for a quick takedown but Benavidez scrambles away. Both fighters land rights, and Benavidez is stuffed on a takedown. Flying switch knee by Cruz, but it doesn't connect. Cruz connects with a body kick. Cruz checks a leg kick, and Benavidez lands a spinning back fist. Cruz with a straight right. Benavidez looks for a takedown and Cruz lands a knee in the clinch. Benavidez with a hard overhand as they break from the clinch. Both fighters throwing winging punches, and Cruz with a takedown. Cruz throwing elbows from the ground as the round ends, and that is it. 10-9 Cruz and 49-46 Cruz on our card, but most of these rounds were extremely close.
The judges score the bout 48-47 Benavidez, 48-47 Cruz and 49-46 Cruz. Dominick Cruz defeats Joseph Benavidez by split decision
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